We celebrated the International Women's Day!
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.
¡Sí, hablamos español!
We have the pleasure to inform to our community that we are going to start our first Spanish Language Café. This offer goes to all the people that wishes to learn spanish, practice their spanish or just meet people that speak spanish.
Come, join us and have fun, because... Yes! We speak spanish! :)
Welcome 2024!
Happy New Year!
We hope that everybody has had a nice holidays celebrations and are ready for 2024. From our part, we started our language cafe monday 8th. january at the Sandnes library as usual. It was a great start and so nice to see so many participants back to our group.
Closing party at our Språk kafe.
Monday December 11th., we had our last meeting in 2023 at our språk kafe in Sandnes Library. We ejoyed food from different countries like Turkmenistan, Lebanon & India. All was home made by our participants in the cafe. We couldn't leave without one last round of Alias and we all shared our ideas about the cafe and expectations for next year. ...